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We help your business sell more with greater effectiveness,
using data you already have.

More customers, of greater value

  • We identify your most valuable customers.
  • We identify the characteristics that correlate with customer value.
  • We help your team attract customers that are similar to your most valuable customers.
  • We measure the results, and act accordingly.

More channels, greater efficiency

  • We identify the most efficient sales and advocacy channels.
  • We identify the characteristics that correlate with efficiency.
  • We help your teams optimise the efficiency of their sales channels.
  • We measure the results, and act accordingly.

More campaigns, greater effectiveness

  • We identify your most effective commercial and marketing actions.
  • We identify the characteristics that correlate with effectiveness.
  • We help your teams and agencies improve the effectiveness of your campaigns.
  • We measure the results, and act accordingly.
What we do

We plan, execute, measure,
and improve – and then we iterate the cycle.

We work on turnkey projects, or we work in an integrated way with internal departments or other specialists.

Roadmap. Dianostics, evaluation of objetives, systematic measurement, technological requirements and planning.
Roadmap. Dianostics, evaluation of objetives, systematic measurement, technological requirements and planning.


  • Diagnostics

  • Evaluation of objectives

  • Systematic measurement

  • Technological requirements

  • Planning

Segmentation, analysis and modelling for: profiling - targeting, calculating lifecycle, calculating value, demography - psychometrics and propensity models – purchase/ Churn
Segmentation, analysis and modelling for: profiling - targeting, calculating lifecycle, calculating value, demography - psychometrics and propensity models – purchase/ Churn


Analysis and modelling for:

  • Profiling - Targeting

  • Calculating lifecycle

  • Calculating value

  • Demography - Psychometrics

  • Propensity models – purchase/ Churn

Action, data and analytics to implement programs and campaigns for: branding (awareness, performance, value, differentiation, ...), acquisition (traffic, conversion, twins, mgm, ...), conversion (ux, funnel, customer journey, optimisation, ...), loyalty (customer life cycle, up-selling, cross-selling, redemption, rewards, ...) anti-attrition (alerts, indicators, causes, inhibitors, ...) and recovery (levers, triggers, ...)
Action, data and analytics to implement programs and campaigns for: branding (awareness, performance, value, differentiation, ...), acquisition (traffic, conversion, twins, mgm, ...), conversion (ux, funnel, customer journey, optimisation, ...), loyalty (customer life cycle, up-selling, cross-selling, redemption, rewards, ...) anti-attrition (alerts, indicators, causes, inhibitors, ...) and recovery (levers, triggers, ...)


Data and analytics to implement programs
and campaigns for:

  • Branding:

    Awareness, performance, value, differentiation, etc.

  • Acquisition:

    Traffic, conversion, twins, MGM, etc.

  • Conversion:

    UX, funnel, customer journey, optimisation, etc.

  • Loyalty:

    Customer life cycle, up-selling, cross-selling, redemption, rewards, etc.

  • Anti-attrition:

    Alerts, indicators, causes, inhibitors, etc.

  • Recovery:

    Levers, triggers, etc.

Measurement, definition and execution of : KPIs vs objectives, metrics, analytics, tracking and testing A/B.
Measurement, definition and execution of : KPIs vs objectives, metrics, analytics, tracking and testing A/B.


Definition and execution of:

  • KPIs vs objectives

  • Metrics

  • Analytics

  • Tracking

  • Testing A/B

About us

We measure our value by the value we provide to your business.
We apply experience, science, and common sense
in a practical approach, using specialist in:

Shackleton Datalytics operates either independently à Shackleton Datalytics works either independently,
offering effective synergies in marketing and communication programs.

In Madrid you can
contact Luis Crespo
In Barcelona you can
contact David Mckenzie


Would you like to join us?

Madrid Office
Arturo Soria, 245
28033 Madrid, Spain
Tel.: +34 917 434 444
Fax: +34 917 462 992
Barcelona Office
Carrer de la Immaculada, 51
08017 Barcelona, Spain
Tel.: +34 934 189 402
Fax: +34 934 187 605